Def: o'kay ter'ri'fic: 1.common expression of muted astonishment due to being surrounded by amazing stupidity, without quite knowing what else to say. 2.expression that usually precedes the changing of a subject brought up by an individual who is perfectly clueless to anything or anyone outside their own narcissistic corner of the universe. Origin: Unknown

Location: Bergen County, New Jersey, United States

Steven Hill is the author of the independently published A VOICE ABOVE THE DIN, available at www.lulu.com/holbrookhill, or Amazon or B&N.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

NYC or Bust

On Saturday, our family took a trip into the city - which we very rarely do, considering it costs an arm and a leg - to get our yearly fix of the unique sites and smells of 'the capital of the world'. After taking the ferry over from Weehawkin and being dumped by the NY Waterway bus at Rockefeller Plaza, we split up. The girls had a brunch appointment at the American Girl store with their dolls and us guys sauntered over in the scorching heat to where else but ESPN Zone in Times Square. A couple hundred bucks later we met up and took the subway - with the kids subway surfing the whole ride - downtown to Canal Street. We ate dinner in Little Italy at a place called Novella which, in my opinion, should rewrite its menu 'cause it just was kind of bland and didn't serve enough food. (Loved the name, though!) We did take dessert down the street at Ferrara's where most of us had a scoop of their awesome gelato. After walking a zillion blocks looking in vain for the Waterway bus to take us back to the 38 Street Pier, we finally relented to the heat and tired kiddies and hopped back on the subway up to 34th Street. Needless to say it was a long, hot day and a lot of fun, but we were glad to be back home by evening.

That being said, yesterday my daughter proceeded to read me a poem she had written about the daytrip. (Even though I'm encouraging her to the end that poems don't necessarily have to rhyme, she's still stuck in that mode. Oh well, maybe someday she'll switch! Mark Kuhar over at www.deepcleveland.com teaches a grade school class about this very subject. Maybe I can get him to come to New Jersey?)

Anyway, here's the poem in question:

New York

New York, New York
I love New York because
there's great places to see
and then there's homeless people
that won't let you be

New York, New York
what a crazy place for me
there's too much walking
and too many scary people to see

New York, New York
oh how I love to be
home eating pork
when I'm home from New York!

And so it goes for my daughter's first poem published on the internet. Congratulations Acey.

Okay Terrific,



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